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The gallery

Sant’Agostino auction house and gallery, moved in 1983 to corso Siccardi 15, inaugurated the new premises with an unforgettable exhibition.

The exhibition was called "I giganti del '900" and included a conspicuos number of absolute masterpieces of the 20th century. We need to rember at least few of them: some De Chirico of the 20's, as for example "Il filosofo (Le soliloque enchanté)" of 1925, reproduced in the exhibition's poster; the famous "Risveglio della bionda sirena" by Scipione; some extraordinary Savinio's paintings, among them “L’Eglise triomphante” of 1929, besides several Sironi's works, several beautiful paintings by Morandi, De Pisis, Rosai, Campigli, Carrà ...

The current headquarter located in corso Tassoni 56 was inaugurated on the 10th May 1993 with an extraordinary anthological exhibition centered on Aroldo Bonzagni. The exhibiton wanted to underline the great value of all the paintings of this great master of the 20th century, who was among the signers of the futurist manifesto.

The Sant'Agostino auction house has always continued its gallery's activity. It has always continued to host personal as well as collective great artists' exhibitions. We remember, in particular, those dedicated to the great satirist and painter Mino Maccari, the sculptor Sergio Unia from Turin, Friz Baumgartner, Claudio Nicoli, Mattia Moreni, Enzo Prestileo, Arturo Carmassi and Hermann Nitsch, major representative of Viennese Actionism (Wiener Aktionismus).